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Urine Mercury

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Doctors Data

Detect possible mercury toxicity with Urine Mercury testing.

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Nutrition and Toxic Elements
Nutrition and Toxic Elements
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Vitamin D

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Doctors Data

Assess D2, D3, and total Vitamin D levels vital for bone health and immune function.

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Blood (Finger Prick)
Nutrition and Toxic Elements
Nutrition and Toxic Elements
Nutrient status
Nutrient status
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Wellness 360 Female

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County Pathology

Unlock a comprehensive view of your health with the Wellness 360 Female panel, assessing 58 biomarkers for vital organs, digestion, immunity, hormones, and stress.

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Blood (Venous)
Blood sugar regulation
Blood sugar regulation
Nutrient status
Nutrient status
Organs Health
Organs Health
Sex hormones
Sex hormones
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Wellness Advanced

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County Pathology

The Wellness Advance panel examines 25 biomarkers, offering insights into liver, kidney, cardiac, and digestive health, plus vitamin and mineral status.

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Blood (Venous or finger prick)
Organs Health
Organs Health
Nutrient status
Nutrient status
Blood Chemistry
Blood Chemistry
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Wellness Blood Test

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County Pathology

Our Wellness Blood Test helps gives insights into your full blood count, fatty acid balance, and blood glucose levels.

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Blood (Venous or finger prick)
Blood sugar regulation
Blood sugar regulation
Blood Chemistry
Blood Chemistry
Immune Status
Immune Status
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Wellness Complete

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County Pathology

The Wellness Complete panel analyzes 42 biomarkers, offering insights into vital organ function, nutrient delivery, immune regulation, and micronutrient status.

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Blood (Venous or finger prick)
Organs Health
Organs Health
Nutrient status
Nutrient status
Blood sugar regulation
Blood sugar regulation
Blood Chemistry
Blood Chemistry
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Yeast Culture + Sensitivities

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Doctors Data

Identificaty yeast overgrowth and sensitivity profile for targeted intervention with Yeast Culture and Sensitivities test.

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Gastrointestinal Health
Gastrointestinal Health
Gut Health
Gut Health
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Doctors Data

Understand intestinal health and immune responses, crucial for inflammation control with Zonulin (serum).

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Blood (Venous)
Gastrointestinal Health
Gastrointestinal Health
Blood sugar regulation
Blood sugar regulation
Gut Health
Gut Health
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Coeliac & Gluten Sensitivity Profile

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Doctors Data

The finger prick Coeliac & Gluten Sensitivity profile helps differentiate between coeliac disease and gluten sensitivity.

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Blood (Finger Prick)
Gastrointestinal Health
Gastrointestinal Health
Intolerance and Allergy
Intolerance and Allergy
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Coeliac & Gluten Sensitivity Profile

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Doctors Data

The serum Coeliac & Gluten Sensitivity profile helps differentiate between coeliac disease, gluten sensitivity and wheat allergy.

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Blood (Venous)
Gastrointestinal Health
Gastrointestinal Health
Intolerance and Allergy
Intolerance and Allergy
Gut Health
Gut Health
Immune Status
Immune Status
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Comprehensive Blood Elements

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Doctors Data

Detect metal toxicity and assess essential elements with the Comprehensive Blood Elements profile, analyzing both whole blood and serum samples.

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Blood (Venous)
Nutrition and Toxic Elements
Nutrition and Toxic Elements
Nutrient status
Nutrient status
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Culture PCR + Parasitology (CP+P)

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Doctors Data

Assess beneficial and imbalanced bacteria, yeast, fungus, and parasites non-invasively with the Culture, PCR + Parasitology profile.

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Gastrointestinal Health
Gastrointestinal Health
Gut Health
Gut Health
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Comprehensive Stool Analysis (CSA)

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Doctors Data

Explore the Comprehensive Stool Analysis for insights into GI symptoms, autoimmune diseases, inflammation, and nutritional deficiencies.

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Gastrointestinal Health
Gastrointestinal Health
Gut Health
Gut Health
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Cyrex Blood Serum Kit

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Cyrex Laboratories LLC

This test collection kit is for a Blood Serum sample with Cyrex Laboratories. This single kit can be used for all Cyrex Arrays except for Array 14 which is a Saliva sample.

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Blood (Venous)
Gut Health
Gut Health
Immune Status
Immune Status
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Cyrex Saliva Kit Only (Array 14)

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Cyrex Laboratories LLC

This a saliva collection kit and is only to be used with Array 14 from Cyrex Laboratories. For all other Arrays please order blood or blood and saliva kits.

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Gut Health
Gut Health
Immune Status
Immune Status
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Diamine Oxidase (DAO)

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Uncover the role of Diamine Oxidase (DAO) blood tests in evaluating histamine intolerance.

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Blood (Venous)
Intolerance and Allergy
Intolerance and Allergy
Immune Status
Immune Status
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Explore health insights with our DNA test health risk related to diabtes, detoxification and others from 189 genes & 250+ SNPs.

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Saliva (buccal swab)
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Dutch Adrenal Metabolism

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Precision Analytical

Analyse free cortisol, cortisone, their metabolites, and DHEAs with the DUTCH Adrenal providing comprehensive adrenal function insights.

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Dried Urine & Saliva
Sex hormones
Sex hormones
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Cyrex Laboratories LLC

Cyrex™ is a Clinical Immunology Laboratory Specialising in Functional Immunology and Autoimmunity that offers multi-tissue antibody testing for the early detection and monitoring of today’s complex autoimmune conditions.

Doctor's Data

With over 40 years in specialty testing, Doctor's Data provides high-quality diagnostics and functional tests for essential and toxic elements, supporting decision-making and enhancing patient outcomes.


Eurofins Scientific is a leading global provider of laboratory services, delivering a wide range of testing and analysis across various industries, including food, environmental, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, genomics and clinical diagnostics.

Immunosciences Lab

Immunosciences Lab (ISL) offers advanced immunology testing, specialising in diagnosing immune-related disorders, including Lyme disease, autoimmune conditions and chronic illnesses.


Lab4more focuses on tests specifically designed to diagnose chronic multisystem illnesses, immunological and inflammatory disorders, and stress-related conditions.

Medical Diagnosis

Medical Diagnosis is a professional diagnostic laboratory that conducts both specialised and routine medical blood tests.


MicroGenDX is a clinical laboratory with more than 12 years of experience in diagnosing molecular-based clinical outcomes by offering the most informative and impactful microbial (PCR and NGS) diagnostic tests that science can provide.

Mosaic Diagnostics

For more than two decades, Mosaic Diagnostics has pioneered advancements in functional medicine testing. Evolving from their previous identity as Great Plains Laboratory, their comprehensive solutions continue to identify the root causes of chronic health conditions.


OMNOS provides DNA and functional blood tests, along with a platform that integrates advanced testing services and personalised health optimisation plans, using cutting-edge diagnostic technology and data analytics.

Precision Analytical

Precision Analytical specialises in advanced hormone testing with the DUTCH test, using dried urine specimens to provide reliable, comprehensive hormone data

Precision Point Diagnostics

Precision Point Diagnostics delivers cutting-edge laboratory testing services, including allergy and sensitivity tests as well as intestinal barrier assessments.

Quicksilver Scientific

Quicksilver Scientific specialises in advanced clinical metals testing, providing precise diagnostics for heavy metal exposure and toxicity. Their innovative testing methods support personalised detoxification protocols.

RealTime Lab Inc

RealTime Laboratories, Inc. (RTL) is a leading laboratory specialising in the detection of mycotoxins and environmental toxins.


Home to the largest, private DNA methylation database in the world.

US Biotek Lab

US BIOTEK Laboratories specialises in immune system and allergy testing, offering comprehensive panels for food sensitivities, environmental allergens and toxic elements with over 30 years of expertise.

Viva Health Labs

Viva Health Laboratories offers specialised tests for SIBO glucose and SIBO lactulose breath tests, focusing on gastrointestinal issues to aid in managing digestive and metabolic conditions.